Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Italian-Style Lamb Stew

I combined a recipe from Simply in Season with a few crock pot versions I read online. This was a decadent & savory stew.

Though it was listed under Spring recipes, I feel it was best suited for the coldish early Spring days we have been experiencing of late.

I put one lamb shank, about one pound of meat, in the crock pot. Then I poured in one and one half cup of red wine ($3 Three Wishes Merlot from Whole Foods) and one and one half cup of broth.

I added one medium onion sliced into rings, one can diced tomatoes, & three peeled garlic cloves.

Seasoned with a pinch of salt, a bit of pepper, some bay leaves, & a few sprigs of fresh Thyme.

Then left it to cook for seven hours on low heat.

I added a can of Cannellini beans about five minutes before serving.

As it cooked, it slowly saturated the apartment with its seductive aroma.

This made cleaning the living room, doing the laundry, & re-organizing the closet more pleasant.

It is such a good feeling to let go of piles of stuff. Not that we are minimalists by any means, but every six months or so we do bring bags of stuff off to Goodwill.

Out with the clutter & then the other things can be revealed glamour.

And that is much of what Spring, & the cleaning that comes with it, mean to me. Raking away the dead leaves & branches, & watching the flowers that emerge.

Favorite Song (led to in a more or less direct way by my favorite radio station):

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