Sunday, June 19, 2011

Apricot Chicken

Apricot, maple syrup, ginger... these are the featured flavors in this dish. I happen to adore all of these flavors. And there's something about warm apricot that feels absolutely decadent.

Simply half the apricots and remove their pits. Then cook them in a few tsp of melted butter over medium heat for about five minutes. Then flip them over and cook them for a few minutes before removing them from the pan.

Then add onion & ginger to the pan. Cook strips of chicken breast, sprinkled with salt & pepper, in these. Then remove from the pan.

Add one half cup cider, or water, (we used cranberry juice), some orange or lime zest, & two tbsp maple syrup. Then add back in the chicken and apricot.

Serve with rice, couscous, or salad. In this case farmer's market romaine & arugula.

The bowl the apricots are pictured in was also purchased at the market from an artist named Larry Brown.

Favorite Song for today (led to in a more or less direct way by my favorite radio station):

1 comment:

  1. OM NOM NOM these are delicious! They should be proliferated and savored/devoured. As Stephane might say, "[I] ate all."
