Thursday, May 19, 2011

Corny Cornbread

This Simply in Season cornbread was smooth & the flavors were spot on. Spicy-corny sweetness with a golden-crisp crust.

However, honey was in order & sadly nowhere to be found. & if you desire a traditional or crumbly bread we recommend trying more milk & nixing the plain yogurt.

Combine: 2 cups cornmeal, 1/4 cup honey or brown sugar, 1 tsp salt, & 1 tsp baking soda.

Mix in: 2 cups milk, yogurt, or combination & 3 beaten eggs.

Optionally, Mix in: 2 cups corn & 1 tsp minced hot or mild green chilies.

Pour into greased 2.5 quart casserole or fry pan & bake at 350 until a toothpick poked in the center comes out clean. (It was about an hour for us. Start checking around forty minutes, though!)

My brother really helped me out with this one, so much so I feel he deserves the credit for this dish.

Favorite Song for today (led to in a more or less direct way by my favorite radio station):

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