Friday, May 13, 2011


My only regret with this dish is that I didn't take more photos of the lovely broad-leafed basil. I was cooking at my parents' house & foolishly neglected to bring my camera. Ah, well.

This is another gem from Simply in Season, though it should be noted that I have never had bad pesto.

For every one packed cup of basil add: 3 cloves of garlic, 1/2 cup toasted hazelnuts (or pine nuts or walnuts), 3 tbsp Parmesan cheese, salt to taste, & some fresh parsley.

Finely chop together in a food processor. Add olive oil slowly while chopping until desired thickness is reached. (About half a cup for one cup basil. )

We served with pasta & garnished with parsley. After dinner we finished planting our garden. Including some basil...

Then we headed to Whole Foods and picked up a bottle of Mango Lemonade for one dollar even. One of our favorite first signs of Late Spring.

Favorite Song for today (led to in a more or less direct way by my favorite radio station):

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